Monday, June 13, 2011

My very first post with many more to come I hope.

I thought I'd dedicate the very first post to introducing myself. My name is Kellie. I have been divorced twice and raised my 3 kids as a single mom for most of their lives. I have 1 boy age 27 and 2 girls ages 26 and 21. Oh and did I mention the 9 grandkids? LOL 6 boys and 3 girls there. I am currently raising 2 of the girls, long story there, maybe for another post. The little girls I often refer to them as the chicklets or ladybugs. Boys are just the boys LOL. In the future I hope to show you some tricks and techniques I use in my every day sewing and some of my favorite time killers as well. I have my first project tutorial almost finished. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Peace and Love