Friday, March 30, 2012

Loss and Death

I haven't posted in a few weeks, I apologize. The latter part of March thru the first 2 weeks of April are hard on me. Three years ago March 28 my hero went home to Jesus. I am and always have been a big daddys girl and his passing is still very tough for me. His birthday is the 10th of April and Easter was his favorite holiday. I have been a mess the last week. Alot of people tell me that it gets easier but I don't see it. He would call me everyday, several times a day in fact. Sometime he would call in the middle of a project, but I would always stop and chat. I miss that. I have loads of memories and I ended up with the house I grew up in, that kinda takes some of the sting out of it. So I guess it is "getting easier". Back to the reason for my post. I was reading a blog the other day and I won't name it as I don't have permission, but anyway I read this blog religiously. Her ex husband was in the last stages of colon cancer. She wrote about how their boys were dealing with the illness their dad had and his limited time left here on Earth. He died the other day and it brought back my grief and tons of memories of hospital visits and such for my dad. My blog today is in tribute to my dad and the loss I have had to endure. Rest in peace Daddy I love you and I miss you everyday. Your little monkey, Kellie

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Crown bottle night light

I know two posts in one day what is wrong with me? Project 2 with my nifty new glass and ceramic hole cutter. I told you love love love this bit.

Beer bottle incense holders

I got a fabulous new toy. A glass and ceramic hole cutter that fits on my drill. I love love love this drill bit. So far I have mastered hole cutting LOL. The key is to have cool running water, approach at an angle and light pressure. Press hard and it will crack, don't ask me how I know. I just do. I even got a perfect hole in an old Pepsi bottle. Here is the first project using my new glass and ceramic hole cutter. Don't mind the pic background, the best light for pictures is beside the door, and beside the door the only thing I have there is the printer. Hey, don't judge me,  you learn to deal with what ya got LOL. Don't you just love those blue bottles. I'm going to have to get my husband drunk so I can have more bottles. Next mission to score an endless supply of bottles HMMMMMMMMMMMM.......